...this month's featured artist is: Munch

Edvard Munch is considered as one of the major symbolist painters, forerunner of the expressionist movement. "I don't paint what i see, but what i've seen" he said, to underline his distance from the (post)impressionism. Munch is interested in showing what happens inside his head, how his unrational side takes over the rational one and modifies the reality perceived... Read more >>.

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[coming soon! The site is momentaneously having a break for manteinance reason... That means that for a few days we won't be able to publish 1 artist per day as promised... But come back on...

Monet 2/2

Monet was a pure impressionist, a real master of the style, entirely focusing his attention on the colours and light effects of the landscapes that he used to paint en plain air.


Monet 1/2

General Informations
NameClaude Monet
Birth14 November, 1840
Death5 December, 1926
MusicMax Christian Friedrich Bruch (6 January 1838 - 2 October 1920) - Violin Concerto in Gm

Monet was a pure impressionist, a real master of the style, entirely focusing his attention on the colours and light effects of the landscapes that he used to paint en plain air.

He was a very prolific artist, who went on painting until the age of 86. During these years, he always remained loyal to the impressionism's guidelines, even when the movement started to decline in its popularity.

It's quite hard to explain, using only words, how important light was for Monet, but you can check the "quote from the artist" section below to have an idea. It's also important to underline Monet's urgent need to work outdoors only, as that was the only way to paint the direct and pure impressions from a natural landscape.

A quote from the artist

Color is my day-long obsession, joy and torment. To such an extent indeed that one day, finding myself at the deathbed of a woman who had been and still was very dear to me, I caught myself in the act of focusing on her temples and automatically analyzing the succession of appropriately graded colors which death was imposing on her motionless face.

I see less and less....I need to avoid lateral light, which darkens my colors. Nevertheless, I always paint at the times of day most propitious for me, as long as my paint tubes and brushes are not mixed up....I will paint almost blind, as Beethoven composed completely deaf.

I can no longer work outside because of the intensity of the light.

A few words about the music

Max Christian Friedrich Bruch was a German romantic composer, contemporaneous of Monet. His "Violin Concerto in Gm" sureley recreates the light and carefree atmosphere that we can see in Monet's works.