...this month's featured artist is: Munch

Edvard Munch is considered as one of the major symbolist painters, forerunner of the expressionist movement. "I don't paint what i see, but what i've seen" he said, to underline his distance from the (post)impressionism. Munch is interested in showing what happens inside his head, how his unrational side takes over the rational one and modifies the reality perceived... Read more >>.

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[coming soon! The site is momentaneously having a break for manteinance reason... That means that for a few days we won't be able to publish 1 artist per day as promised... But come back on...

Monet 2/2

Monet was a pure impressionist, a real master of the style, entirely focusing his attention on the colours and light effects of the landscapes that he used to paint en plain air.



General Informations
NameDavid Caspar Friedrich
Birth5 September, 1774
Death7 May, 1840
MusicChristoph von Gluck (2/07/1714 - 15/11/1787) - Dance of the Blessed Spirits

Friedrich probably was the most influencial (and important) painter of the Romantic movement. His works are known for the contemplative and allegoric view of nature which - for the first time in the history of art - becomes the main character of a picture.

Landscape is not only the background of religious and mythological events (as it was until the 18th century), nor a simple visive show, but a source of ispiration and suggetions. Man and nature aren't two separate worlds anymore: the former can recognize himself in the latter, and discover a bit more about himself by feeling the emotions which a natural sight can bring.

The contemplation of nature can lead to an instant of sublimity, a metaphysical reunion of mind and body. The spiritual aspect of Friedrich's idea of nature is very important, and clearly visible in many of his paintings featuring crosses and other religious symbols.

It's a religiosity expressed in an intimate way, from within the peace of a mountain view (and from the consequent peace of the artist's spirit), in contrast to the classical way of celebrating its own "god" through the representations of holy episodes.

An we may consider as 'religious' the sense of mystery and greatness and respect felt by the viewer (and by the characters in the paintings) in front of these incredible, infinite and magnificent landscapes.

Contemplating one of Friedrich's work is an experience pregnant with emotions. Nature in all his greatness has never been represented so passionately and, at the same time, so quietly.

A quote from the artist

<< The artist should paint not only what he sees before him, but also what he sees within him >>.

A few words about the music

Christoph von Gluck was an Austrian opera composer, mostly known for his work "Orfeo ed Euridice". The music piece of the video, "Dance of the Blessed Spirits", is part of this opera and is played on the second act. The scene takes place in Elysium (from the GreekἨλύσιον), a section of the Underworld, where Orfeo had gone in order to save his loved one, Euridice. In the Fields of Elysium rest the souls of the glourious and heroic men.

Click the following link for the full story of Orpheus and Eurydice.

Selected works

Man and woman contemplating the moon


Chalk Cliffs on Rugen


The Cross in the Mountains


Wandere Above The Sea